Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My semester goals...

My semester goals? The works. All A's, teacher recommendations, and any academic achievement I can rack up. Why? I don't know. It's expected of me. I might as well do what I'm told, I have nothing better to do. All A's would be hard work, but my teacher says it's still obtainable. Personally, I just hope I get anything at a C or above; that would be enough to make a huge improvement from last semester; I really screwed up last semester. Semester school suuuuuucks. I'm never failing a class again. And night school? WTF (where's the food)? I guess I would take 2 more hours every day for another semester. It would be a timesaver to take the class again; It's only an hour and a half of class every other day, compared to 2 hours, every day, and afterschool. My semester goals aren't in easy reach, but it's worth trying.
My teacher's got something right - I get to blog about a personal goal. (Sweet)
How about some better parties? I think I've requested this to my friends alot; maybe even, get more chicks in the mix. That would be nice. I've already began making alot more friends, hence, I've started on a personal goal I've had for a while. Thanks for reading.

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