Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't read this blog!

And look, you're reading it. That's why this post is over Reverse Psychology. In short, you tell someone to do something, they do the opposite; or, perhaps you tell someone NOT to do something, and they do it. I honestly don't wanna delve into the many scientific or behavioral reason why it happens. I asked some of my classmates about this... I heard about a disorder from my teacher. Oppositional defiance; pretty self-explanatory. But why? I guess people are doing that to symbolize their independence. Like my parents - whenever I would blattantly do something against their will, they would say that I was metaphorically slapping them in the face. I guess that's what it's all about. You want to prove yourself metaphorically. Reverse Psychology is just wierd. I'm Adam Oyler. Thanks for watching television.


Friends. Why would I be friends with you? You need a personality. I've made mistakes in the past; talking to friends, and them replying, "that's lovely", or even just "sweet". Great personality guys, and I'm definitely not being sarcastic. Oh yeah, and that's another thing; sarcasm. Get some. Actually, no, don't.
My friends are pretty confidential. I don't hear about what I did weeks, or even days before from people whom have been told by my friends, and that's nice. I'll never be friends with someone who's obnoxious. Perhaps they can be obnoxious, they just need to learn to control themselves. Some of my friends don't know when NOT to say something. Alot of my friends are incredibly possessive, and use it against me, usually at their house. "Don't touch my guitar", or "This is my house" are common phrases heard at their houses. I'm glad I don't do that. Haha. That reminds me of naggers.
Anyways, I'm generally friends with everyone. I don't really buy into the whole clique idea. I generally hang out with whomever. Thanks for reading...

My semester goals...

My semester goals? The works. All A's, teacher recommendations, and any academic achievement I can rack up. Why? I don't know. It's expected of me. I might as well do what I'm told, I have nothing better to do. All A's would be hard work, but my teacher says it's still obtainable. Personally, I just hope I get anything at a C or above; that would be enough to make a huge improvement from last semester; I really screwed up last semester. Semester school suuuuuucks. I'm never failing a class again. And night school? WTF (where's the food)? I guess I would take 2 more hours every day for another semester. It would be a timesaver to take the class again; It's only an hour and a half of class every other day, compared to 2 hours, every day, and afterschool. My semester goals aren't in easy reach, but it's worth trying.
My teacher's got something right - I get to blog about a personal goal. (Sweet)
How about some better parties? I think I've requested this to my friends alot; maybe even, get more chicks in the mix. That would be nice. I've already began making alot more friends, hence, I've started on a personal goal I've had for a while. Thanks for reading.